Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reporting from Saigon

I'm now in Ho Chi Mihn or better known as Saigon, the largest city in Vietnam. I arrived here 2 days ago from Macau. Until now everything have been going very well contrary to some fears I had. From now on in Vietnam and Cambodga everything is going to be much more relaxed as I'm not backpacking any more, I'm now travelling with an asian travel agency.

Vietnam is much different from Hong Kong and Macau where I was before. It's still a poor country with some people making below 50$ a month. It's amazing how each 10s while I walk on the streets there is someone trying to sell some stuff or offer a ride (for money). This is also a bit less safe, it's better to keep always an eye on everything you cary.

Saigon the capital of the motos

Another photo of a street in the city center

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