Monday, August 25, 2008


Just arrived to Bangkok after 2 days in Angkor (Cambodia). This is another great place that no one that is travelling in southeast asia should miss.
Angkor is a large complex with more than 1 thousand temples. It was the center of the Khmer empire and nowadays is a Unesco World Heritage Site. Just to have an ideia about the dimension of the place, when London only had 50.000 people, Angkor had around 1 million people. More information can be found here.
I will upload some photos soon.

Just a word of advice for anyone that travels through the Seam Reap Airport, the nearest airport to Angkor:
- If you transit through seam reap you have to stay at least one night there.
- The people in the airport are really slow, so arrive there on time.
- If a guy comes to you when you arrive saying that it will help with your visa for something like 23$, don't accept, the visa doesn't take more than some minutes to get and it costs 20$
- There is a 25$ dollar fee when leaving the country and a smaller fee when doing a domestic flight.

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